Legionella Risk Assessment Software

Our Legionella Risk Assessment software delivers​

  • Increased repeatability, from multiple assessors or even different service providers. ​
  • Increased assessor productivity from better survey collection and a faster reporting process.​
  • Flexibility remains as reports can be exported to Microsoft® Word. ​
  • Comprehensive reports incorporating guidance from ACoP L8, HSG274, BS8580, and the Legionella Control Association (LCA) service standard.

Our Legionella Risk Assessment software has been specifically designed to provide comprehensive Legionella risk assessment reports with a uniform feel across multiple assessors or even different service providers.

Pricing information: we charge per credit for each of the 3 types of legionella risk assessment these are:


  • Selection of L8MS equipment surveys
  • Optional ‘build your own’ surveys
  • Customisable control schemes
  • Healthcare/Industrial/Commercial


  • Calorifier or Tank Surveys
  • Same format as Full assessments
  • Customisable control schemes
  • Small buildings without stored water


  • Single combined survey
  • Tank or no tank option
  • Fixed simple format report
  • Ideal for landlords of single properties

Legionella Risk Assessments on the move.

L8MS are pleased to announce the launch of our risk assessment survey assistant app for mobile devices. Site survey information for plant (tanks, calorifiers etc.) and asset (outlet locations) registers including photographs can now be captured using our RAS Mobile app. The new mobile app only needs access to the internet to download standard surveys and text and send the assessment back to L8MS Risk (i.e., It runs offline). L8MS RAS Mobile was developed by a partnership of Legionella risk assessors, software developer and our water hygiene service provider’s feedback.

Mobile Tutorials

What our software delivers


The time to produce a Legionella risk assessment report impacts significantly on the total time required to complete the job. L8MS Risk reduces the report writing time. Uniformity, multiple assessors deliver reports with the same structure.


Reliably producing multiple reports using multiple assessors requires strict control of templates and significant effort distributing standard paragraphs and maintenance of templates


Create summary reports on totals for a given asset type, very useful if estimating how many TMVs need quoting for service. Multiple site clients? No problem, create urgent remedial spreadsheets across a whole portfolio of sites.


Transfer water systems, locations & assets to L8MS BRS our record keeping logbooks directly from your risk assessment surveys. Combined with customisable build profiles you can create a multi year programme in minutes.

Pre-built report sections

Use our report modules, define the print order and let the L8MS Risk assessment software fill out sections like corrective actions from the survey information (ordered by risk rating) and layout a fully editable Microsoft® Word document.

Site specific control schemes

Automatically generated, once entered into the assessment the L8MS Risk assessment software will produce a site specific list of tasks with locations

Off-line surveys

Assessors can fill in re-useable surveys containing built in drop down options in remote locations uploading when internet access is available.

Mobile Entry

Recently we have released our Mobile Legionella Risk Assessment software which has been designed to speed up writing an risk assessment without the need for double entry.