52 Week Planner
Our popular 52 week planner offers a rapid visual representation of site activity laid out across the year. Colour coding provides an almost instant indication of task frequency, tasks due for completion, tasks that are overdue, tasks that have been completed without issue, and tasks that have been completed and returned an issue.
State of play
The new BRS dashboard allows the user to add widgets, such as the nonconformance ratio widget. A graphical summary of the number of conforming, nonconforming and actioned issues for the last 4 months. Focus on the issues and avoid time spent sorting through results within limits displayed for a site, or a group of many sites.
Progress & Planning
Adding the task completion widget to your dashboard offers a quick overview of completed tests, tests completed late, tests overdue, missing tests and test still due for completion. Again available for a single site, or groups of many sites.
All results outside of control limits create Nonconformities, L8MS BRS allows rapid production of report spreadsheets, for a single site of group of multiple sites. Column headings offer filtering by search terms providing tremendous power to summarise and sign off corrective actions.
Service visits
L8MS BRS allows planned tasks to be added to a service visit, the service visit scheduled and allocated to an operative for completion using L8MS BRS Mobile. Administrators can now effectively schedule a month of tasks for completion by operatives, move the events and ensure all commitments are allocated.