What Courses Can I Book With L8MS Training?
To help we have developed a course selection tool that filters down our unit list
by job title / description – Please see here
What are the Advantages of in house training?
Training at your premises or local to you means that employees are not sent to another
location, which could be some distance away. This saves travelling time and expense,
and keeps the team close at hand if this is a priority. Flexibility of training
schedules means that there is less prospect of the business suffering from the absence
of the employees. Many companies choose onsite training over other training methods
because it can be a cost-effective training programme that can be created to suit
the exact requirements.
What needs to be provided?
Generally the only requirement for onsite training is that the company has a room
or area large enough to comfortably hold the number of delegates, who are being
trained, as well as the trainer and the necessary equipment. Projectors, white boards
and flip charts are likely to be needed but the trainer will normally bring a laptop
and supporting materials.
How do I book onsite training?
Either email or telephone us and we will ask you to give details of what you are
looking for (the number of delegates, the type of training required, the location
where the training will take place and what dates and times are preferable).
What are the cost of L8MS Training?
The cost vary depending on requirements, as a very general guide, you can expect
to pay around £500 a day for a group of up to 10 delegates. Depending on where the
training takes place, there may be additional charges for travel and accommodation.
Courses vary from an introductory day to whole courses lasting several days.
If there is going to be more than one candidate to be trained and each individual
has a very different level of experience or position in the company, this will reduce
the applicability of the training for some attendees. We do our best with individuals
of different standards and abilities but you should consider if they all need to
learn the same lessons.